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¡Namasté! Mi nombre es Milan y soy de la parte este de Nepal. Estudié en Katmandú y tengo una larga experiencia trabajando en turismo en varios roles en los que también tuve una buena oportunidad de explorar un poco del país. Hay tanto que ver, sentir, saborear, explorar, aprender y comprender en nuestro pequeño país del Himalaya que me ha mantenido muy curioso acerca de tantas cosas, manteniéndome motivado para aprender diferentes aspectos de la compleja estructura de nuestros estilos de vida. cultura y filosofía. Conocer gente de todo el mundo y compartir y aprender ideas, conocimientos y pensamientos extraños son las cosas que más me gustan de lo que hago. Espero transmitir hechos e historias, en la medida de mis conocimientos, para brindar información sobre la belleza natural y cultural del Arcaico Nepal.

2 Tours de Milan

Opiniones (42)

28 May 2024 Nahariya
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - May 2024

Milan was very nice and welcoming, He has amazing knowledge about both Buddhism and Hinduism, he gives a great introduction to hindu and hindu culture in nepal and takes you to unique places that are not usually visited by tourists. Very recommended!

05 May 2024 Villacarlos
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Viajó en pareja - May 2024

. Si bien es cierto que ves poco lugares de interés sí que hay una clase magistral del budismo e hinduismo.

Respuesta de Milan
Namaste Clara, thanks very much for taking your time to write your feedback. Very much appreciated your interest for tour and pleasure meeting you. Wish you all the best for your upcoming adventures:) Cheers ❤
25 Apr 2024
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Apr 2024

Milan took me to some nice places to better understand the nature of hinduism and buddhism in Nepalese culture. His explanations were clear and he made his best to make me enjoy the tour. Highly recommended if you are interested in this topics.

Respuesta de Milan
Namaste Antonio, thanks very much for your feedback. It was very enjoyable walk and such a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for your humbleness and generousity. Wish you all the best and wonderful time on your adventures. Have a good time, cheers ❤
23 Apr 2024
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Viajó en pareja - Apr 2024

We had an amazing experience with Milan. He is very knowledgeable and explained us a lot about the basic ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism and thus sparked our interest to learn more. Also, his stories about culture and everyday life in Nepal were very insightful, thus the 3 hours passed super quickly. Thank you so much Milan!

Respuesta de Milan
Namaste Jan-ole, thanks for your kind feedback. It was a pleasure to get the chance to meet you and share conversation. Glad to know that you enjoyed the tour. Wish you wonderful time and very best of experience in your journey. Take care and have fun! Cheers ❤
17 Apr 2024 Zúrich
Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Apr 2024

We had a very informative, insightful and well structured tour with Milan, where he explained us basics about Hinduism and Buddhism in a very approachable and clear way. He also showed us around the city and is in general a lovely person. I would warmly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Nepal!

Respuesta de Milan
Namaste Miriam, thank you so much for your kind feedback. It was pleasure to meet you and have this chance to share. Hope you are having a good time and wish you the very best of experience on your onward journey. Cheers ❤

Destinos en los que Milan ofrece tours

Opiniones (42)
