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Opiniones publicadas (1)

Free tour en Dubrovnik Early Bird

We have done a few free tours and this one was different. It seemed the end of the season instead of the beginning! Can I be frank (we are both seasoned teachers). The tour was very dry and factual: no humour! The pronounciation of Croatian words might have been a source of humour. What about we passed an elementary school. What about the passed the law courts. What about the market and where the produce comes from. It was a good tour but not one I would !

Respuesta de Vlaho
Dear David, your review is written in a way that I cannot understand what you’re really trying to say?! Maybe in the future when you become full time teachers, I’ll be able to understand better. Yes, it’s an early morning tour and that’s why it seemed to be like the off-season period, away from the mass crowds! Surprisingly, being teachers you might have noticed that children in schools ask questions, but I can’t remember you asking any! Maybe in that way you might have gotten answers to your puzzling queries, what does the school serve for, where do fruits and vegetables come from … etc. Please read the review written by Max who was on the same tour, or maybe, you were on a different tour?! Stay well and happy, Vlaho