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Free tour por la pequeña y feliz Francia



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  • Alison(2 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 07/07/2024

    Very informative!

    Respuesta del Guru

    Hello Alison, thank you for the nice word, even though we're a bit surprised to have only 3 stars if you actually enjoyed the tour. Could you please tell us more about your experience ?

  • Noha(6 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 30/11/2022

    Matthias was a great guide, very knowledgeable and has a fun way of telling the historical stories. La petite France is a small district, so it makes sense that it's a short tour. Sure the tour provided interesting facts and stories, but it feels, given the miniscule size of the district, that it doesn't deserve a tour on its own. But I would definitely recommend the original tour, was amazing!

    Respuesta del Guru

    Hello Noha, thank you for the review, it is much appreciated. We actually see our Original and Petite France tours as one 3h tour divided into 2 smaller, because we think that 3h is too long for a tour. Petite France is indeed a small district, and we do our best to tell a lot of stories in the big hour of this tour, I'm sorry it didn't feel enough for you.

  • Marko(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 23/09/2022

    Perfect for millenials and older, but unfortunately too cringe for younger generations. Too forced of a humour and too much of it. Felt like we were in a kindergarten.

    Respuesta del Guru

    Hello Marko, and first, thank you for your honesty. I'm sorry you felt like the humor was forced, I can assure you it isn't, it is just my way of telling stories, I like to put humor in it, you've got to admit that some of them would be very depressed if not presented with a touch of fun. But I understand if my humor didn't fit yours, it can't fit with everybody, even if I try my best. Also I'm sorry if the tour itself made you feel like you were in a kindergarten, that is the very first time I hear something like this, and also I don't really understand how the tour can fit to older people and not younger, and still make you feel in a kindergarten... That feels a bit like a nonsense to me... Or there is something I didn't get? Maybe you're right, I might be too old already with my 39yo ;) Anyway, I'm still happy you liked it enough to reach the third star, maybe you will give a try with an other of our guides!? Wish you all the best in your travels. Gabriel.

  • Maria(6 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 17/10/2021
    Respuesta del Guru

    Hello Maria, thank you for the rating. We would love to know more about your opinion on our tour, and how to improve it, thanks in advance! Gabriel.

  • Tony(11 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 03/10/2021
    Respuesta del Guru

    Hello Tony, Thanks for the rating, we would love to know your reasons for these 2 missing stars, that would help us a lot to improve. Feel free to contact us to let us know your opinion, thanks! Gabriel.


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