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Increíble free tour por Mombasa.



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  • Taariq(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 04/12/2024

    Bishamba gave a us a nice tour of Fort Jesus Old Town Spice Market And other places of interest like Pembe ze Ndovu We had a good time. Thanks Bishamba

  • Colman(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 15/10/2024

    Bishamba was great but owing to some group members wanting to not complete the schedule, it didn’t flow to the finish in the way that might’ve been intended

  • Carola(13 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 08/04/2024

    We liked to go around some places of the Old Town with Bishamba, and some parts I think we wouldn't have been through by ourselves just because we felt like outsiders, so it's good to go with someone local! She also recommended us nice local places to eat Swahili food. We also enjoyed a refreshing coconut during our visit. (Mombasa is veeeery hot!) Bishemba does stablish a minimum fee that she thinks it's fair for her time and tour, so it's good to agree on that before starting the tour.

    Respuesta del Guru

    Hi Mi amor, Thanks love for the review and for sharing a couple of time with you for this amazing tour. Thanks for letting them know . Much Love🥰😘😚😍

  • B.(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 31/01/2024

    Jamila, Bishambas sister was a really good and sweet guide. She had the necessary competence and was able to give us some pleasant hours in a good way.

    Respuesta del Guru

    Hi Love, Am super excited that we made your experience in Mombasa unforgettable. We are here to deliver the services at our very best. Thank you so much. Much love🇰🇪🫶

  • Anita(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 15/09/2023

    Samira was knowledgeable and engaging, making the experience enjoyable :) However, we had expected it to last longer based on the provided duration time.


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