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Chongqing: recorridos económicos por la ciudad (lugares emblemáticos) con guía turístico autorizado



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  • Victor(8 Opiniones)
    Mexico City
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 03/01/2025

    Sadly, it was the worst tour guide we have ever experienced. For a bit of context, I’m slightly overweight and I went on this tour with my family. We had just started the tour when he offered to take a picture of us and as he was holding my phone he said “wow you’re FAT”, honestly we were in shock and tried to justify it thinking we might’ve misheard him and kept going on with the tour. Afterwards, he took another picture of us, and we only later realized, that he had taken the picture cropping me out. Throughout the whole tour he kept making comment after comment about overweight people and about me, it was very uncomfortable! The tour itself, if you can even call it that, consisted of him taking us to the places of interest without adding much context unless we continuously asked questions about what we were seeing. All things considered, if you’re looking for a guide I’d recommend looking somewhere else since, in our opinion, he was basically a fatphobic Google maps. In conclusion, if you’re even slightly overweight I highly recommend you not taking the tour with him!

    Respuesta del Guru

    Victor, sorry for your experience, but I am sure that we didn't do the tour on 3/Jan...I think there is a tech issue that directed you to make comments on my page. Our tour was on 25/Dec, which was quite pleasant, at least from my interaction with you and your cute boys... Could you double check? I believe you are referring to your tour 1/Jan in Shanghai or Hong Kong (I heard that you were spending your new year in SH or HK, right?)


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