Ciao! Siamo Gabriele e Alberto, nati a Firenze, siamo guide turistiche nazionali con licenza. Una volta che ci conoscerai, potrai dire chi è il gatto (gatto) e chi è la volpe (la volpe), i personaggi famosi della storia di Pinocchio. Scorrendo la pagina troverai la nostra descrizione: Alberto lavora in inglese, Gabriele in spagnolo.
La guía nos proporcionó una información y un recorrido perfecto
This was an excellent tour focusing mainly on the renaissance period of history, art and architecture and how Florence flourished in that era. Our guide was superb, she was very knowledgeable and brought humour to the tour. She explained everything in an uncomplicated way and pointed out so many things to us in the city that we would otherwise have been overlooked . Can’t rate this tour highly enough, definitely recommend.
Muy buen tour, entretenido e informativo. Muy buena la guía .
The guide is very knowledgeable. We enjoyed the walk thoroughly.