

  • 147863
(516 ratings)

Pisa Miracles Square

Ciao a tutti! :) siamo un team di guide turistiche autorizzate e lavoriamo in Toscana.

Abbiamo deciso di partecipare a questo progetto offrendo il nostro contributo per la ripresa del turismo in Toscana.

Cosa ci contraddistingue? La nostra solarità, competenza e simpatia😊

Amiamo gli animali :) sono i benvenuti.

Abbiamo tantissimo da raccontarvi.. In più vi daremo consigli molto utili per il restante tempo libero :)

Prenotate ed attendete il nostro messaggio personale di conferma. Non ve ne pentirete :)

2 Tour di Pisa Miracles Square

Ratings (516)

Zoë Gaul
(5 Ratings) Dublino
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jul 2024

We had a great tour of the square with Fanny. She was very informative and gave us lots of information about all of the buildings in the miracle square, most of which we knew nothing about. She gave us a fab recommendation of a place to go for an Aperol Spritz afterwards. A definite must if you’re only visiting Pisa for a short time!

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

Monica was a great guide :)

(7 Ratings) Montréal
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jul 2024

Fanny was very personable, informative, and interesting to walk with and learn about Pisa's Miracles Square... in addition to sharing other practical information about Pisa.

(1 Rating) Iloilo
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - May 2024

(9 Ratings) Monaco di Baviera
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jun 2024

This was a nice tour through the highlights on THE main square in Pisa. The guide was very knowledgeable about the history of each building in the square, and also gave recommendations for other things to do in Pisa. It might be nice to extend the tour a bit to also walk along the river or cover a couple of other important squares/buildings in Pisa.

Destinazioni a cui Pisa Miracles Square offre tour


  • 147863
(516 ratings)
