(17 ratings)


Ciao! Mi chiamo Sharon Schultz, conosciuta anche come The Bay Lady. Avendo vissuto nel Maryland per almeno mezzo secolo, conosco bene la bellissima Chesapeake Bay Region. Sono entusiasta di mostrare agli ospiti fuori città i miei posti preferiti e il meglio di Baltimora e della baia di Chesapeake.

1 Tour di Sharon

Ratings (17)

(2 Ratings) Falkirk
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jan 2024

There was only going to be me which was unexpected! I decided it would be too intense and my tip would not have been enough for Sharon.

(1 Rating) Bielefeld
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - May 2024

(2 Ratings) Washington
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Mar 2024

(1 Rating) Monaco di Baviera
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Mar 2024

Sharon ist sehr nett und kennt sich aus. Sie hat uns sogar ein kleines Goodie-Bag geschenkt! Ich würde immer wieder teilnehmen, wenn gleich man ihre Tour mit einer historischeren kombinieren könnte.

(3 Ratings) Cartagena de Indias
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jan 2024

Sharon was a great guide, she showed us the part of the harbor with passion and patience, she told us unknown stories about Baltimore and she was punctual, polite and responsible with the tour appointment, she was very kind in sharing information with us prior to the tour and we are still in contact . It is a recommended tour with a local who loves the city, thank you!!!!

Destinazioni a cui Sharon offre tour

(17 ratings)
