

Recensioni pubblicate (1)


Hello there! My wife and I do free tours all the time, and we make use of all the companies out there that offer this. We have done free tours of different providers all over Europe so you could say we are pretty much experts in free touring. I know what you are thinking, 5 out of 5 average score? Can't be real. What if I told you I'd give Sam 6 out of 5 if I could? I'm serious, she is that good. Perhaps a bit bold of me to say but out of all the tours I've done, and I've done... Alot. Sam is by far the best! When we came to Athenes we decides okay we are going to enjoy the beach but let's throw in some tours as well. I made a shortlist of about 6 different tours I was interested in. I decided to start with Sam.... And I decided I didn't need to do any more tours. Seriously. Sam, you should feel bad for your competition because frankly, you are way too good. I have a fixed budget I give for free tour, but I quadrupled that amount because it was totally worth it. Do this tour. Trust me. Just do it. If you regret it, you can atleast say you attended a seminar. But you won't regret it. Sam my dear, its been a couple of weeks but you deserve all the praise I wrote down and more. Thank you for this wonderful experience. With love, your Champion: Hercules.

Risposta di Sam:
Hi HERCULES, WOW a fabulous review and experience with you. Thank you for the support and recommendation. This means so much and is greatly appreciated. Regards Sam