

Recensioni pubblicate (8)


This tour was everything that I hoped it would be. Ben is a guide of the highest quality! He gave us so much information, but with a really engaging style. I cannot recommend this tour enough, or any others that Ben runs!


This tour gave a great overview of the 3 Cities, their history and their culture. Ben was funny and engaging. A brilliant tour by an excellent guide!


This tour was of an excellent standard. Ben was engaging and funny, sharing fascinating information with great style and flair. I particularly appreciated that he reminded us throughout that historians interpretations about the "temples" were just that - an interpretation! I like that he encouraged the tour group to considered our own thoughts on what these sites represent, rather than giving us one interpretation as a certain truth. Brilliant tour!


Katia was a great guide! The tour was very good, giving a nice overview of Helsinki. I only wish it had gone on for longer and included some more of the sights!


Great tour of Liverpool covering many of the main things to see! The guide was great, made the tour work for all the guests on the tour!
