

Recensioni pubblicate (3)


The Florence Free Tour-Tale is better than the other free walking tours because you get the standard basic information PLUS additional interesting tidbits such as how to identify some of the original walls in the city, the difference between medieval and Renaissance architecture, and where to find original Roman era The tour guide also interacts with the group by asking them questions and leaving time for them to ask him questions. My tour guide, Gabriel, was very informative and friendly. He did a good job despite having to lead our tour group in both English and Spanish! I also appreciated that he provided some suggestions of where else in the city to take advantage of good views (not found in guidebooks or by Googling) and where to go for hour (apertivo). I took two other free walking tours delivered by a different group (11 AM Renaissance tour and 2 PM de Medici tour) and believe Tour-Tale is better. The content in the other two tours was the standard stuff that I could Google. I learned more through Tour-Tales. On this tour, we stopped by and learned about San Lorenzo, Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Strozzi, 2 di Medici palaces, Piazza della Repubblica. There were other minor stops along the way as well. We covered most of the same spots as the other tours I went on. I would love to see Tour Tales develop additional tours and share more info! I also think it would be great if they provided group participants with a half sheet of paper that lists their recommendations with addresses instead of only showing it on a map at the end of the tour.

Risposta di Florence Free Tour-Tale:
Thanks !

The tour guide, Sergio, was very animated and happy to deliver the tour. The content was mostly what one could read about on Wikipedia. I would have liked more history and stories. Also, I think he needed to speak a little slower and leave opportunities for the group to ask questions or to ask the group questions.

Risposta di Florence Free Tours:
Thanks we will try to improve our tour thanks for your suggestion.
Free walking tour dei Medici

The tour guide was informative, thoughtful, and upbeat considering it rained throughout the tour. Most of the content of the tour could have been found on Wikipedia. I would have liked to hear more stories about the individual de Medicis and perhaps current day stories about the different locations we visited. The tour guide was happy to answer questions but he didn't provide much opportunity to ask any questions. His presentation didn't offer much opportunity to ask questions and he didn't ask the crowd any questions. I think he should have spent a bit of time doing that.

Risposta di Florence Free Tours:
Thank you Liz