(28 ratings)


Sono uno studente di Genetica e Bioingegneria con una grande conoscenza della mia città natale e del mio paese. Sono molto comunicativo e amo parlare con i turisti per insegnare loro le cose che conosco ma anche per conoscere la loro cultura. Ho lavorato come stagista presso un'agenzia turistica locale a Sarajevo e ho imparato molto sulla mia casa, ma spesso faccio le mie ricerche per scoprire cose nuove. Il mio inglese è fluente, quindi la lingua non è un ostacolo per me. Sto anche imparando un po' di tedesco e italiano per offrire un'esperienza migliore a chi non parla inglese. Ho deciso di iniziare il tour da solo con le conoscenze acquisite sperando di avvicinare Sarajevo e tutta la Bosnia ed Erzegovina ai nostri ospiti stranieri in modo che ne abbiano i migliori ricordi.

1 Tour di Timam

Ratings (28)

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jul 2024

(8 Ratings) Istanbul
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jul 2024

Tour was very educational and intriguing, our guide Timam had a vast amount of knowledge about the city's history and culture. He was very helpful and answered all of our questions about the tour and the city. Would fully recommend.

(1 Rating) Reusel
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jul 2024

Visiting Sarajevo again and again we walked an other free tour. Today it’s only our family, nice that the tour isn’t canceled! Timam has a lot of knowledge about “his” Sarajevo and his country. He could answer all our questions. Although it wasn’t our first tour in this city, Timam was able to learn us new stuff. He took all the time and after more than 3 hours we ended the tour. Timam thank you for a wonderful morning.

(1 Rating) Budapest
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jul 2024

I visited Saraje o with my daughter and her friend. Timam is a knowledgeable passionate young man who knows and loves his city. He guided us with an unbiased and detailed style. We received information that focused on unity and cooperation instead of emphasizing differences. We highly recommend Timam!

(1 Rating) Ireland
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

Timam did the tour with just the 2 of us, from previous experience the guides tend to cancel if its a small number so it was brilliant. He gave us a little gift which was a lovely touch. He was very knowledgeable and we learned so much about the old town of Sarajevo. And he even gave us food and bar recommendations. All in all a lovely guide and tour, go on you won't regret it.

Destinazioni a cui Timam offre tour

(28 ratings)
