
Old Havana: Walk through its history and customs

Duration: 2h and 30min
Languages: English, Spanish
Quality Verified Registered on November 14, 2019

Hi, we are Yunet and Jorge, we are experienced and professional tour guides, 100% Cuban, and like all Cubans we are very merry and we love to dance, sing, share our culture, customs, traditions, the everyday's life of Cubans, the history of this wonderful city called Havana and that of Cuba as a whole. Sharing our knowledge and experiences with all the friends who visit us is one of the things that pleases us the most. We are very passionate about what we do and we always try to transmit that passion we feel for our wonderful and World heritage site city.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

A different free tour in Old Havana!!! Since we are going to combine sections that are not so touristic with others that indeed are, plus a tour through the Cuban history to present time, which will provide you a perfect combination that will allow you to see and understand not only Havana and its people but Cuba and we the Cubans as a whole!!!

 🚨 The meeting point will be at the small plaza named Alejandro de Humboldt (Alexander von Humboldt), located at the intersection of Oficios and Muralla streets, the street parallel and behind the Havana Club rum museum; and only one block away from Plaza Vieja 🚨

How the Cubans live in general? Why so many people lining up everywhere you go? Why do people will try constantly and almost desperatly to exchange your hard currency on the street? ¿Why so many exchange rates, two officials and another one, way different and higher at the informal market? ¿Why do the Cubans prefer the foreign currency above our own local currency, the Cuban Peso? How can the people live, or rather survive in the middle of one of the worst economic crisis in years with such low salaries and shortages of all kind?  Why are there lately so many social protests in Cuba? Why are the Cubans fleeing from Cuba? In order to respond these and other questions and concerns you might have, we will be walking through a local private market; we will be also able to visit one of this so-called "Bodegas" where the locals go to buy with their ration cards; dilapidated tenement houses where different Cuban families live overcrowded. And much, way much more!!!

And of course we have added the touristic area, something that should also be included in your "Bucket List" when visiting the World Heritage Site city of Havana, declared as such by UNESCO back in 1982!

That includes, the main four Plazas built during the mid-16th century; and the streets that interconnect them all, and we will be able to interact with its wonderful colonial architecture, characters dressed as in yesteryears, streets pave in cobblestones, stained glass windows and everything so colorful and so harmoniously rebuild, always respecting its architectural patterns and original elements and facades, thanks to the amazing job conducted by the former historian of our city: Don Eusebio Leal, one of the best historians around the world.

I invite you to join me on this magic tour that will last around 2 and a half hours, and will leave you, for sure, wanting for much more.

🚨 The meeting point will be in the small plaza named Alejandro de Humboldt (Alexander von Humboldt), located at the intersection of Oficios and Muralla streets, the street parallel and behind the Havana Club rum museum; and only one block away from Plaza Vieja 🚨

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Helpful Tips: Please bring if possible, a cap or a hat or an umbrella, comfortable shoes and clothes, enough water, sun blocker and bug repellent and anything else you need to cope with this warm temperatures and high relative humidity that might eventually affect you during the walking tour. 

🚨 Book now!!! There is so much fun and excitement waiting for you. Can't wait to meeting you!!!!

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    4MP2+8J8, Oficios, La Habana, Cuba
    4MP2+8J8, Oficios, La Habana, Cuba
    View on map

    In a small park named Alexander von Humboldt, located at the intersection of Oficios and Muralla streets, the street parallel and behind the famous Havana Club Rum Museum(see map). A day before our meeting, I will be in contact with you either via Whatsapp or the website, to provide you further and necessary information about the tour

  • 1
    Outside visit
    Former House of Representatives in Havana

    This will be the best place to talk about Cuban History, specifically the one related with the wars of independence that started in 1868 and ended up with the so called "Spanish- American war". We'll be also referring to the Republic in Cuba 🇨🇺  that was inaugurated in 1902 and the follow up that led to Batista's Coup d'Etat in 1952 and the struggle spearheaded by Fidel and Raul that ended up with the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. What happened next? Come and join us!!!

  • 2
    Outside visit
    Saint Francis of Asisis Plaza

    Plaza selected by the Franciscans to build both, their church and monastery. The place where the former Stock Exchange was built; and where we will get to see the current cruiseship terminal, symbol of rapproachment between the back then presidents of the US and Cuba, Barack Obama, Raúl Castro, respectively, back in 2014.

  • 3
    Outside visit
    Old Plaza

    A social Plaza. Very beautiful, colorful and eclectic, since different architectural styles combine among each other. Here we'll be able to see unique attractions not only in Havana, but across the island of Cuba, such as, the Camera Obscure, the Planetarium, a Playing Cards Museum and a local brewery!!!

  • 4
    Outside visit
    San Ignacio Street

    This will be the "not so touristic section" of our tour. We also love showing you the side of the city that not too many people get to see. Along this street we will be able to interact with the local people. We'll be visiting a local private market; the so called "Bodegas", where we the cubans go to get our monthly ration using the ration cards; tenement houses where we will get to see the real conditions in which a lot of cubans live!!! You're gonna love this!!!

  • 5
    Outside visit
    Cathedral Plaza

    A religious Plaza, and very harmonious, in terms of architecture, since all the constructions around it, including the Cathedral were built following the same architectural pattern, Barroque style. The famous bar in Havana, Bodeguita del Medio, birthplace of Mojito is next to this Plaza. The Plaza where you will first fall in love with Havana!!! 😍💖🥰

  • 6
    Outside visit
    Arms Plaza

    Political Plaza during the Spanish colonial time, where both, the Palace of the Governor and the Vice governor of Cuba were built. The founding Plaza as well, where we will get to see the founding spot of Havana, and we will also be talking about the yearly tradition, we the people of Havana carry out, in order to pay tribute to each anniversary of the city!!!

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

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Areli 10 Jun 2024
Mexico City

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Travelled alone - Jun 2024
Es un recorrido que te da a conocer el lugar, la cultura y la sociedad cubana, entendiendo el estilo de vida actual de los cubanos, Yunuet responde todas tus preguntas y da confianza preguntar cualquier duda. Aunado te recomienda lugares para comer, mercados locales, etc... Muy recomendable el recorrido 😉
Flavia 10 Jun 2024

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Travelled in group - Jun 2024
Un paseo excelente! Yunet una guía excepcional. Sumamente interesante toda la experiencia de recorrer parte de la ciudad con ella. Un placer escucharla y poder aprender y comprender la historia de Cuba. Totalmente recomendable!
Simon 08 Jun 2024

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Travelled in couple - Jun 2024
Great tour with a lot information one of the best free walking tour we been on then it comes to history and culture
Steve 07 Jun 2024

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Travelled alone - Jun 2024
This is an excellent tour to give you some of the main sights in Old Havana as well as some interesting insights into the history of Cuba and what it’s like to live in this interesting city. I would highly recommend this walking tour.
Mara 25 May 2024

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Travelled in couple - May 2024
El tour por la Habana vieja con Jorge ha sido fantástico! Nos ha explicado muchas cosas y ayudado a comprender mejor su cultura y forma de vida. Recomiendo totalmente pasear sus calles con el, ya que no te quedarás igual! Hemos tenido muy buenas conversaciones, nos ha enseñado como vive un cubano y nos ha recomendado sitios para comer, y disfrutar. No dudéis en reservar un tour con el, estaréis en buenas manos!!!
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Who is this tour for?

Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Accepts reservations up to 15 people.
Suitable for carrying pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 5 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour does not require the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Only cash payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
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