
Tasty Berlin, culture meets cuisine! With street art & alternative flair (two in one)

Duration: 3h and 30min
Languages: German, English
Guru: Nima
Quality Verified Registered on August 06, 2023

Berlin has been my hometown for many years, and the streets of this vibrant metropolis are as familiar to me as my own four walls. As a certified guide since 2009, I have the privilege of sharing my knowledge of the history, multicultural diversity and socio-political developments of this city with travelers. For me, Berlin is not just a city, but a living history book that I would love to open for you. I will take you on a unique journey of discovery to the most exciting places in Berlin, where you will not only be amazed by the culture and history, but you will also be able to experience the best of cuisine. Because a city not only consists of its past and impressive real estate developments, but also of the diversity of aromas and flavors it has to offer.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free
  • Accepts electronic payment
    This tour allows payment by electronic means or credit card

Tour description

++ A tour for gourmets and culture enthusiasts ++
Maximum participants: 8 people
Minimum: 3 people

As a passionate foodie and culture connoisseur, I invite you to join me on a culinary stroll through the diverse world of pleasures of this multicultural city.

Berlin, with its fascinating mix of typical Berlin and German cuisine, also offers a diverse gastronomy from Turkey, the Arab world, Iran, Italy and many other regions. This tour is not only a culinary discovery, but also a journey through the cultural and historical background of the city. You will listen to many stories and gain deep insights into the context of Berlin.

Our tour takes place in the heart of Kreuzberg – a picturesque district known for its diverse cuisine.

As we stroll through Kreuzberg with its many street art and graffiti, you will experience the authentic atmosphere of this vibrant district. Delicacies such as currywurst, falafel, doner kebab and baklava await you in Kreuzberg.

The tour takes us to an exclusive gourmet artisan, where you can try the unique German tarte flambée with exquisite wines. To round off the tour, we visit a brewery to taste original German beer and end the evening in convivial company.

What the tour includes:
- Currywurst
- Falafel
- Doner kebab
- Turkish Baklava
- German cheese
- 1 little surprise
- 1 soft drink
- Beer / wine (2 drinks in total)

If you do not drink alcohol or would like more drinks, please let me know when booking.

The price for food and drinks is 35 euros per person. Please pay this at the beginning of the tour.

Please note the following:

  • This amount does NOT include the additional payment you give to the guide at the end. Depending on your satisfaction, you can end up paying between 10 and 50 euros for the tour.
  • The quality of my tours is important to me, which is why a maximum of 8 participants are planned for this special tour. In addition, the limited number of participants allows me to have more time for you and your questions. :)
  • The minimum number of participants is 3 people.
  • We travel partly by subway. The Berlin day ticket is recommended for the tour.
  • This culinary experience is suitable for every season as we offer a wide selection thanks to our variety.
  • This tour is also suitable for vegetarians.
  • I am happy to take individual allergies or intolerances into account – please let me know your needs before booking.
  • The route and menu may be changed depending on restaurant availability, weather and other circumstances.
  • Due to the rules of some establishments, pets (e.g. dogs) are only allowed outside.

I'm looking forward to the incredibly exciting tour with you! 🥳

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    Kottbusser Damm 5, 10967 Berlin, Germany
    Kottbusser Damm 5, 10967 Berlin, Germany
    View on map

    Kottbusser Damm 5, 10967 Berlin In front of the Schönleinstr. subway station. Follow the blue umbrella!

  • 1
    Outside visit
  • 2
    Outside visit
    Kottbusser Tor
  • 3
    Outside visit
    Görlitzer Bahnhof

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

34 ratings
By category
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Claudia 21 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in group - May 2024
Vielen Dank für die ausführlichen Infos zu Berlin, insbesondere zum Bezirk Kreuzberg. Es hat uns sehr gut gefallen und wir können die Tour jedem weiterempfehlen der etwas über die Stadt, ihre Menschen und deren Kulinarik erfahren möchte. Die Auswahl der Gerichte war sehr gut geplant und am Ende waren wir gut gesättigt und haben einen schönen Nachmittag erlebt. Danke an Nima!
Mattia 19 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in couple - May 2024
Very interesting and tasty tour. Multicultural dishes mixed with interesting informations. A must for a visit in Berlin
Andressa 19 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled alone - May 2024
Nima is really nice! And the tour very good, we’ve tried some delicious food while exploring the neighborhood. Nima has a lot of knowledge to share and know the best spots for food for sure! The falafel was the highlight!
Lisa 18 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled alone - May 2024
This tour was amazing , love it!!! It’s a must while visiting Berlin
Heidi 14 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in couple - May 2024
We can highly recommend our Tour guide Nima for his fascinating Berlin tour encompassing different and delicious foods experienced in the context of Berlin’s social history, street art and multi-cultural realities. Nima was knowledgeable, responsive and responsible towards our group. His tour explored well known and more hidden aspects of Berlin. He pointed out street art and explained what motivated these expressions. We found it very interesting and we gained a deeper understanding of contemporary Berlin.
Show 34 reviews

Who is this tour for?

Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Does not accept large group reservations.
Not suitable for pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 3 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour does not require the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Electronic or credit card payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
  • Risk of cancellation
    This provider has a higher than average cancellation rate on the platform.

    You can check the specific details of this tour before booking.
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  • Risk of cancellation
    This provider has a higher than average cancellation rate on the platform.

    You can check the specific details of this tour before booking.
  • See availability

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