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Free Tour Downtown/Old City

Duración: 2 horas
Idiomas: Inglés, Español
Guru: Jose
Calidad verificada Registrado el 20 de junio de 2022

¡Hola a todos! Soy José, tu guía en este free tour. Mi objetivo es llevarlo a través de los sitios históricos de este encantador lugar de una manera atractiva e informativa. Estoy aquí para responder tus preguntas y asegurarme de que aproveches al máximo esta experiencia. ¡Comencemos y exploremos juntos la rica historia que este lugar tiene para ofrecer!

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  • Reserva y cancelación gratuitas
    Tour de libre pago, sin precio establecido, la reserva y cancelación son gratuitas
  • Acepta pago electrónico
    Este tour permite pago por medios electrónicos o tarjeta

Descripción del tour

Meeting point at Independence Square 

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Puntos destacados

¿Qué veremos en este tour?

  • Punto de encuentro:
    XF28+X4M Plaza De La Independencia, C...
    XF28+X4M Plaza De La Independencia, C. 6a Este, Panamá, Provincia de Panamá, Panamá
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    Independence Square or Plaza Mayor in spanish

  • 1
    Visita exterior
    Independence Square or Plaza Mayor (spanish)

    Meeting point, in the heart of the Old City, going to be there wearing a Kakhi short an a red polo shirt, you can get there in a Uber usually is a 15 to 20 minutes drive from downtown.

  • 2
    Entrada gratuita
    Iglesia de La Merced

    Now we are inside the Old City, La Merced Church was the only one who survives the attack of the pirates on the original Panama city because they use the church as their refuge after burning out the entire city, was moved stone by stone from the original site.

  • 3
    Entrada gratuita
    Iglesia de San José

    San Jose Church rebuilted in 1675 and his golden altar from the original city destroyed during the attack of Morgan many legends of how the spanish hide the golden Altar from them, and reinstall it on the new church.

  • 4
    Visita exterior
    Plaza Tomás Herrera

    Plaza Herrera did not exist during the spanish colony it was a block of houses and buildings destruyed by the fire of 1871, then became, Plaza del Triunfo, a place for popular festivals, and finally renamed Plaza Herrera honoring General Thomas Herrera who participaces in the emancipation of south America countries.

  • 5
    Entrada gratuita
    Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús

    When the old city moved the congregation operated a school with primary school and Latin Class by 1749 the order had built a large part of their headquartes then called The Royal Pontificical University of San Javier the first on the isthmus unfortunately it only operates until 1767 when the Jesuits were expelled from Panama City by order of Charles II few years later a fire destroy the building and now is La Compañía 5 Star hotel

  • 6
    Visita exterior
    Arco Chato

    Santo Domingo Convent was one of the first to be built on the new Panama City in 1678 also destroyed by two fires in 17 century the walls and the arches remained standin with special menction to the lowered arch of arco chato in spanish, this arch served to demostrate the seismic stability of Panama during the negotiation of Panama Canal

  • 7
    Visita exterior
    Plaza de Francia

    This was a military fort during the colony then a prisionand in 1912 was ordered to built a monument honoring the french people were here in Panama for the first attemp of construction of the Panama Canal, the very best wiew of the city from there

  • 8
    Visita exterior
    Paseo Esteban Huertas

    in XIX century a wall trench was built to over the vaults of the old fort, named later Esteban Huertas walkway, a Colombian General who plays and important roll during the separation betwen Panama and Colombia

  • 9
    Visita exterior
    Plaza Simón Bolívar

    This was another block of houses destroyed by a fire and empty lot for many years named Simon Bolivar square to honor the libertor of american countries in 1926 for the 100 houndred anyversary of the Amphictionic Congress it is made out of bronce and granite stone brougth from the Andes Mountain Range.

  • 10
    Visita exterior
    Plaza De La Independencia

    This square has 3 different names Plaza Mayor, Plaza Cathedral or Independence Square, is the main square of the Old city Town Hall and the Cathedrall were built around it

  • 11
    Entrada gratuita
    Catedral Basílica Metropolitana Santa María La Antigua

    The Original Cathedral was destroyed during the attack of Morgan, when the spanish relocate the city in the Ancon Site they built one made of wood in 1674, and in 1688 start the construction of the actual cathedral it took 108 years to get it done in 1796 they finish it and suffer many changes througth the years that will tell you.

¿Cuánto cuesta este tour?

Los free tours no tienen un precio establecido, en su lugar, cada persona entrega al guru al finalizar el importe que considere oportuno (suelen ser cantidades comprendidas entre los 10€ hasta los 50$ en función de la satisfacción con el tour).

Opiniones del Tour

5 opiniones
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5 estrellas
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1 estrella
Sylvia 09 Apr 2024

Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Apr 2024
Very interesting walk! Recommended.
Dana 07 Apr 2024

Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Apr 2024
Really a great experience. Good detail, love the passion about the history and what we were seeing. Well done.
Jorge 11 Mar 2024

Reserva verificada
Viajó en grupo - Mar 2024
Lamentablemente José no concurrió al tour Le esperamos desde 15hs a 15:30! Una verdadera decepción
José 28 Jan 2024

Reserva verificada
Viajó en grupo - Jan 2024
A última hora se cambió el lugar de encuentro y como no tenía internet ni lo supe y estuve buscando y esperando en vano!
Mostrar 5 opiniones

¿Para quién es este tour?

No apto para personas con movilidad reducida.
Admite reservas de hasta 20 personas.
No apto para llevar mascotas.

¿Qué debes saber?

Mínimo de asistentes
Se requiere un mínimo de 2 personas para realizar el tour.
Gastos adicionales:
El recorrido no requiere del pago de entradas o gastos adicionales.
Cancelación gratuita
Si no vas a poder asistir al tour, por favor, cancela la reserva, si no, el guía te estará esperando.
Métodos de pago
Se acepta pago electrónico o con tarjeta.
¿Cuándo quieres ir?
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