
Swayambhunath Stupa Walking Tour

Duration: 2h and 30min
Languages: English
Guru: Sujan
Registered on March 08, 2023

I am professional Tour Guide based in Nepal , have been working in tourism Industry since 2010 , consisting 12 years of quality experience at the tourism field in Nepal as a tourist guide and tour organizer.Personally, my passion for travel, making new friends and interacting with people from all culture has always inspired me to excel in my job; I always aim to be a good and honest person.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

Located atop a hill west of Kathmandu city, the Swayambhunath complex has been in use since the 5th century and consists of a magnificent domed stupa, as well as a variety of shrines and temples. Each temple is extremely ornate and richly decorated with gold and vibrant prayer flags, though it’s not only the spiritual décor that draws visitors.

This sacred pilgrimage site is also home to hundreds of monkeys considered holy to Tibetan Buddhists and Hindus. According to legend, Manjushree, the bodhisattva of wisdom, was in the process of raising the temple hill when the lice in his hair transformed into these monkeys. Swayambhunath means self-arisen and is derived from that legend.

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  • Meeting point:
    Dhalko, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
    Dhalko, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
    View on map

    A young man with black power glass with simple attire

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

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This guru has 12 reviews in other tours.

Who is this tour for?

Non suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Does not accept large group reservations.
Not suitable for pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 5 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour requires the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Only cash payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
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