Hallo alle zusammen! Wir sind Interworld Tours, ein lokales Unternehmen in Budapest und arbeiten mit lokalen ungarischen Reiseleitern zusammen. Wir alle sind in unser Land und unsere Hauptstadt Budapest verliebt und haben uns für diesen Beruf als Fremdenführer entschieden, um Ihnen das wundervolle Land, die Kultur, Geschichte und die Menschen vorzustellen, die wir haben. Wir bieten alle Arten von Touren auf Spanisch an, wir mischen Spaß mit Kultur, Geschichte, Gastronomie und allem Wissenswerten, um einige unglaubliche Tage in Budapest zu verbringen.
Matt was very informative and interesting and answered all the questions that were thrown at him. I highly recommend him.
Our guide Endre was very knowledgable on many curious details about the city, the country and their history. The tour route was interesting and the information provided at all times was just the right amount of fun and facts. There were no unnecessary "urban legends" intended to entertain simple tourists, which we have heard on other tours and that liked us a lot!
Andréia é stata fantastica! Ci ha spiegato tutto con molta dedicazione. È stata super simpatica!
Mate (Matt) our tour guide was very knowledgeable. Tour was very well organised and he kept us entertained throughout the tour. Highly recommended!