Wanderer Bucharest se trata de compartir las mejores historias y crear experiencias memorables para los viajeros curiosos que vienen a visitar nuestra ciudad. Combinamos información histórica fácil de seguir con historias interesantes y una atmósfera relajada que fomenta el debate y la curiosidad. ⭐ ¡Vayamos juntos y creemos recuerdos inolvidables!⭐
Friendly and very knowledgeable guide. Definitely recommend Alexandra she has a lovely personality, and as a plus you get to see and learn a lot about the history of Bucureşti, which you wouldn’t discover without a local.
Alexandra was super knowledgeable! Totally recommended it if you want to learn about the history of the city and the different phases it went throug!
Alexandra had a lovely warm style and was very easy to understand. She was entertaining and knowledgeable.
Alexandra was punctual, well organised, very informative and funny. Her spoken English was excellent