Como anfitrión experimentado de free tours y apasionado por descubrir nuevas ciudades y conectarse con personas de diversos orígenes, aporto una perspectiva única a cada uno de mis recorridos. He disfrutado trabajando con embajadas e institutos organizando recorridos personalizados a pedido. Originario del sur de la India, he pasado 3 años llamando a Frankfurt mi hogar, mientras me sumergía en la cultura local y exploraba las áreas circundantes. Mis recorridos giran en torno a las cosas que más me entusiasman de estas ciudades. He viajado a más de 35 ciudades en Alemania y sus alrededores, donde he tenido el placer de interactuar con otros anfitriones de free tours, intercambiar ideas y aprender de sus experiencias. En lo que a mí respecta, soy un artista e investigador urbano que busca constantemente formas nuevas e innovadoras de explorar el ámbito público y compartir su belleza con los demás. Desde 2017, también he curado mis propios paseos patrimoniales y senderos artísticos inclusivos, aportando un toque personalizado a cada recorrido y asegurándome de que cada huésped se sienta comprometido e inspirado. Ya sea que sea un viajero experimentado o un visitante por primera vez, estoy emocionado de compartir mi amor por la cultura, la historia y el arte con usted en su próxima aventura a pie.
The tour was an amazing insight into the city - something that wouldnt be known very easily. Srishti's passion for urban agglomerations comes across very vividly as she explained the and helped appreciate the various nuances, which wouldnt be apparent. The tour gave me an entirely different perspective about Frankfurt and I am extremely glad that I took this tour.
Darmstadt is a smaller lesser known city near Frankfurt. This was a fascinating tour that is surely not very popular among tourists. Srishti is open to questions and refines the finer details of her walking tours based on her audience's interests. She is also open to questions and knows what she is talking about, unafraid to be honest about what she is unsure of. I highly recommend this tour to art lovers and am looking forward to her other tours as well.
It is unfortunate that some walkers have left bad reviews without attending this walking tour. Frankfurt is a transit point for most travellers and there isn't much to see, or at least that is what I thought. Srishti introduced the highlights of the city to the group and surprised us with some facts about the city that only an expert on the subject would be able to share. The use of pictures and cues along the tour stops added to the narrative. Her academic background complements her tour's content well. She also shared some good recommendations with us.
The guru Srishti is a student studying Urban Planning and was able to talk about the architecture of buildings in depth. I've been on walks before but this was the first time where I've seen such enthusiasm, eagerness, knowledge and passion in a person while talking about the past and present of Frankfurt. Would love to check out her other walks the next time I'm around Frankfurt. Thank you!