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Free tour por las 15 mejores cosas que hacer en Fez, Marruecos



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  • Diego(5 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 14/05/2024

    I think it was okay, good information about the city, but I personally didn't like the guide. In my opinion he could use better practices to guide a big group of people and keep them interested (which I wrote in a private message to the guruwalk).

    Respuesta del Guru

    It is enough for me that you received a good inforrmation about my City and the tour was Ok REALLY it's hard to please everyone. Have a Nice vacation Diego 👍

  • Maria(7 Opiniones)
    Mandurah WA, Australia
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 14/05/2024

    Good walking tour with lots of information. A bit long, as it went for over four hours and toward the end the guide took us to a herb and spices shop for the obligatory sales presentation, which took another 20 minutes out of our day. The guide then took us to a restaurant where he suggested we eat lunch for 120 Durham per head with a discount to 90 if we mentioned his name. Just too long. And a bit too much information on religion at several stops If you have plenty of time then ok, otherwise choose a shorter one

    Respuesta del Guru

    First, I always tell my clients that if anyone on the tour tries to hurt you, bother you, or force you to buy something, ask for my help. I don't know why you're saying that now?! Second, I talked a lot about religion because most of the questions were about religion!!! Third, the restaurant took too long because it is the best restaurant in Fez and there were a lot of customers so you had to wait. Finally I will take into consideration everything you have written to improve my tour Thank you for your review 🙏

  • Oliver(1 Opinión)
    Hanau, Germany
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 13/05/2024

    All about buying and selling. He bring us to many places to get commission. What he tell us about history is not true. Just talk about where we can buy things. I don’t like this tour

  • Sebastián(3 Opiniones)
    Karlsruhe, Germany
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 13/05/2024

    Abdelali is a fun resident who knows the city well, but he lacks in-depth knowledge of its history. While he is familiar with the city streets and some random facts, this does not necessarily make him a competent guide, in my opinion. A deeper understanding of the city's history, as well as the history of Morocco as a whole, would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, we spent almost a third of the tour time in overpriced tourist traps that seemed to work on a commission basis with him. We later found the products we bought for much less elsewhere. Overall, I would only recommend him if you need someone to help navigate the medina.

  • Jonas(2 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 04/04/2024

    The tour was ok and covered most of the sights in Fes. Unfortunately the guide often went off topic starting to chat to individual tour members. This dragged on the tour much longer than necessary. The last 30 min were basically a sales pitch in a herb shop. When the owner of the shop started asking us to buy things, we left.


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