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GRUPOS PEQUEÑOS: Monster Building (la zona residencial más densa del mundo) y vida urbana local en el Distrito Este de Hong Kong



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  • Jessica(1 Opinión)
    Guelph, ON, Canada
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 23/01/2025

    Susanna was warm and welcoming, her tour and history of Hong Kong was very thorough and interesting. She was very patient with lots of questions. It was an in depth look at a lesser known side of Hong Kong. I highly recommend this tour.

    Respuesta del Guru

    Ahhhhh... Thank you so much... I am so proud that my patience has improved via leading these walks 🥰.

  • Jorge(7 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 20/01/2025

    Great tour. Good English, and better knowledge of the inmo market in HK! Very good

    Respuesta del Guru

    Thank you 🥰

  • Nikita(1 Opinión)
    Baltimore, MD, USA
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 18/01/2025

    Would recommend to everyone coming to Hong Kong!

    Respuesta del Guru

    slay x 1000.... Gr8 to hang out. Wished you are staying longer 🥰.

  • Christina(2 Opiniones)
    San Francisco
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 14/01/2025

    Took 2 tours with Susanna on the same day. She was such a funny, knowledgeable guide and embodies the super cool auntie HK figure who is so on top of things. Deep respect and appreciation for her dedication to the tours!

    Respuesta del Guru

    Slay x 1000. Missing you and Hau already... Kisses to all. Love that we met and had so much fun and giggles.

  • Alan(8 Opiniones)
    San Francisco
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 09/01/2025

    Susanna’s tour was very informative about housing and other realities and aspects of living in Hong King , and a lot of fun !! Love her knowledge, humor and candor!!! Definitely recommend to everyone!!!

    Respuesta del Guru

    Thank you so much for joining me.... You guys ate the cutest 🥰 ever.


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