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Recorrido por la histórica Malaca, Patrimonio de la Humanidad de Malasia y ciudad de la UNESCO.



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  • Lina(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 06/10/2024

    The tour was nicely done but I didn’t like that a payment of 10€ (50 RM) was expected. The Guide gave me and my friend a dirty look because we didn’t pay him as much.

  • Ismael(2 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 31/08/2024

    I wanted to say thank you for the tour, it was spectacular, with a wonderful historical tour. What surprised me was that at the end of the tour they asked us for a minimum donation amount (RM50), for my part I think that since it is a free tour, asking for this certain amount is exaggerated. I am a young traveler, and I try to adapt to my economic capacity, and it cannot be that I end up paying more on a free tour than in the hostel where I am sleeping.

  • Kiran(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 30/06/2024

    You will be expected to pay a fixed price nothing less!!!

  • Anni(3 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 22/06/2024

    The tour was ok. Be aware that there is a minimum CHARGE of 50 Ringgit, up to 50 USD (!). It’s NOT a tip based tour. I think promoting it as a free/tip-based walking tour and asking for specific amount of money is misleading and goes against the principle of free walking/tip-based tours. (Even if I do have compassion for the guides, that some people don’t give a fair tips, which is definitely not cool). Also in my opinion the “suggested” minimum amount of 50 Ringgit for a walking tour in Malaysia is really overpriced. The tour guide demanded at least the full minimum price of every person. Wouldn’t recommend the tour.

  • Marc(1 Opinión)
    4575 Schweizersberg, Austria
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 07/02/2024

    The Guide wants at the End a Minimum of 50 ringit per Person. This is Not a free Walking Tour and you can give what you want.


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