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*El primer gurú en Taiwán* Vintage Taipei: lo mejor de Taiwán y free tour al atardecer



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  • Marion(3 Opiniones)
    San Francisco
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 09/01/2025

    Leo was a wonderful guide. He was knowledgeable and had lots of interesting facts and fun information of the places we visited. It’s a great tour to do and stay afterwards to eat and shop for souvenirs. Lots of dried fruit, tea and herbal shops.

  • Katz(1 Opinión)
    Iwakura, Aichi, Japan
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 02/01/2025

    Chester and Maggie were with us at the tour. I attended with my wife and daughters. His knowledge and presentation style was very good. He gave us a lot of information. It could be overwhelming amount of info. But his delivery made us easy to process. The length was just right. I wouldn’t recommend to bring smaller children (elementary level). They need to be old enough to appreciate the history and culture. I was able to understand the history of the place, historic buildings, religion and stores. I will recommend this tour to as many people as possible.

  • Allan(8 Opiniones)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 29/12/2024
  • Mark(3 Opiniones)
    Alexandria, VA, USA
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 24/12/2024

    Chester was an amazing guide. Very patient with questions, very knowledgeable, and funny

  • Margie(1 Opinión)
    Los Angeles
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 14/12/2024

    Our tour guide Manu is really knowledgeable about Taiwan. Besides all the great information he shared with us, he answered our questions. We very much enjoyed the tour. Manu showed and shared with us sights and info we otherwise would have overlooked. Highly recommend this tour!


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