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Mysterious Jack the Ripper Tour

Duración: 1 hora y 30 minutos
Idiomas: Inglés
Registrado el 3 de octubre de 2022

Creemos que muchos vienen a esta gran ciudad sin realmente experimentarla y desde entonces nuestra misión no solo es educarlo sobre la historia de Londres, sino hacerlo de una manera divertida y agradable. Nuestros diferentes free tours lo llevan a ver lugares maravillosos, ver cosas nuevas y tomar caminos nunca antes recorridos, ya que de eso se trata viajar.

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  • Reserva y cancelación gratuitas
    Tour de libre pago, sin precio establecido, la reserva y cancelación son gratuitas
  • Acepta pago electrónico
    Este tour permite pago por medios electrónicos o tarjeta

Descripción del tour

Experience the thrills and chills of this murder-mystery filled city on this exciting walking tour.

Together we’ll discover more about the victims and the gruesome details of their killings, and explore the conspiracy theories surrounding the identity of the killer. 

Join us as we delve deep into the mischievous facts behind London’s most infamous murders. Throughout the tour, you’ll learn more about the possible suspects who are believed to be behind the murders and about Jack The Ripper’s five known victims: Mary Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Kelly. 

The tour will finish at the famous Ten Bells Pub, a site where many of Jack’s victims were spotted before they were slaughtered. You’ll have the option to pop in for a drink afterward to relive the Autumn of Terror. 

So join our group immerse yourself in Victorian London with your Sherlock hat on. Follow the traces and clues by listening to all the theories, and then maybe come up with one of your own whodunnit murder mystery tales!

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  • Punto de encuentro:
    Aldgate East, Underground Ltd, Whitec...
    Aldgate East, Underground Ltd, Whitechapel High St, London E1 7PT, Reino Unido
    Ver en mapa

    The guide will be wearing an Iheartlondontours shirt

¿Cuánto cuesta este tour?

Los free tours no tienen un precio establecido, en su lugar, cada persona entrega al guru al finalizar el importe que considere oportuno (suelen ser cantidades comprendidas entre los 10€ hasta los 50$ en función de la satisfacción con el tour).

Opiniones del Tour

6 opiniones
Por categoría
5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrella
Cameron 01 Apr 2023

Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Mar 2023
We had a nice night out & Ollie was lovely & did present the Ripper tour, it was very unprepared & left a lot of facts out or were not correct. We left knowing little more than what we started.
Dennis 26 Mar 2023

Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Mar 2023
Guide had an infectious energy that carried out through the whole tour. Learnt a lot of new facts and had a lot of fun.
Cristina 26 Mar 2023

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Viajó en pareja - Mar 2023
Ollie has been one of the worst tours I’ve ever had . We didn’t even finish the tour we just left and the whole group was talking about how bad she was. She was taking her phone to look for data and the route there ! Incredible . She was more concerned about taking picturesand uploading them (without our permission) than actually giving a good tour .Incredible that she had Wikipedia opened to read the data and then saying it to us .
Tom Wyatt 25 Mar 2023

Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Mar 2023
The worst tour I have ever, ever been on. Save your time and money. The guide had to read from their phone and consistently got facts/information incorrect. For instance, they said that the FBI helped investigate the Ripper murders when the FBI were founded in 1908, and the murders were 1888… People left the tour midway through and the guide kept walking ahead and leaving us behind. I left the tour knowing nothing more than when I had started, this fell severely below expectations and was laughable. I have done many tours in various countries, this one will be one of the most memorable purely because of the sheer incompetence of the guide.
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¿Para quién es este tour?

No apto para personas con movilidad reducida.
No admite reservas de grupos grandes.
No apto para llevar mascotas.

¿Qué debes saber?

Mínimo de asistentes
Se requiere un mínimo de 5 personas para realizar el tour.
Gastos adicionales:
El recorrido no requiere del pago de entradas o gastos adicionales.
Cancelación gratuita
Si no vas a poder asistir al tour, por favor, cancela la reserva, si no, el guía te estará esperando.
Métodos de pago
Se acepta pago electrónico o con tarjeta.

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