

Recensioni pubblicate (1)

Cienfuegos, una perla nel sud di Cuba

Claudia is a gem. Having her as our “guru” was a special treat—her passion for life and for her community were contagious. She helped us to see Cienfuegos and Cuba in ways we might never have done without her insights and the running commentary she provided, as we wandered the streets and shops of the city. We learned about the history, the people, the economy, the challenges of daily life, the difficulties and the rewards from someone with a well-formed critical eye and a deep love of the people and the place. But we had a bonus: We stayed at her and her mother’s casa for two nights, so we had Claudia as a resource and a friend for much more than our allotted hours, along with the Energizer Bunny, her very cute and utterly endearing son Alessandro. This was a highlight of our 11-day visit. Thanks for sharing it.
