(638 ratings)


Sono un ragazzo ben viaggiato nato in Spagna, ho vissuto nel Regno Unito, in Irlanda e negli Stati Uniti e ho fatto l'autostop in giro per il mondo. Ora vivo e lavoro come guida turistica in Francia dal 2011 e continuo a viaggiare nei miei giorni liberi. Mi piace incontrare persone e imparare dagli altri e dalle loro culture, sono di mentalità aperta ed entusiasta della vita, sono sempre disposto ad aiutare e fare nuove amicizie. Parlo inglese, spagnolo, francese, portoghese e un po 'di italiano.

1 Tour di Louis

Ratings (638)

(1 Rating) Terrassa
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - May 2024

He forced us to pay €10 per person, indicating that it was mandatory when on the Guruwalk website, it indicates that it is recommended or advisable NOT mandatory. Furthermore, the guide with whom we had the reservation did not come and a colleague of his named Raúl came.

(6 Ratings) Rafaela
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - May 2024

E xcelente recorrido y las explicaciones de el guíaLouis

(1 Rating) Bogotá
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - May 2024

Luis nos dio un excelente tour! Recorrimos sitios importantes en Marsella y su natación los hizo aún mejor! Recomiendo a Luis

(4 Ratings) Portage
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in famiglia - Jun 2024

Louis was very knowledgeable about the history as well as current events/environment of Marseille. He made sure to hit the highlights as well as noted what museums / sites were worth a visit on our own. He gave my family and I a good overview and understanding of France’s oldest port city in under two hours!

(3 Ratings) Canberra
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - May 2024

Louis was amazing. He pitched his tour perfectly, a well balanced blend of history, fun facts and pop culture. Perfect pace for a group of 10 people. Kept everyone interested until the very end of a 1.45 hour tour. Louise gave a lot useful and practical tips about places to see and where to eat. Do this tour first thing as you arrive in Marseille. Might help you to avoid tourist traps and gives you an idea of what things you can do and how much they may cost.

Destinazioni a cui Louis offre tour

(638 ratings)
