

Recensioni pubblicate (3)


Manoj was very friendly and took the time to tell us a lot about history of the temples, about hinduism and about buddhism. All of our questions (many) were answered with care and patience. We definitely learned a lot! And we got a good a great local movie tip about Sati too😁


Amazing tour! Max has great story-telling abilities, tells really interesting details and keeps a perfect balance between fun and in-depth information. Keep up the good work Max!


Davied took serious effort to make the walk as personal as possible. Whenever we pointed at a public building which seemed interesting, Davied asked the people if we could visit it rightaway. Besides telling about the architecture and history of the city, Davied also tries to convey as much as possible about daily life as a Cuban in Cienfuegos and talks vividly and inspiring about his own ambitions to make the world a better place. Davied spreads a lot of good vibes.

Risposta di Davied:
Hi Joseph!!1 thank you very much Joseph, it's also great for me, I hope that your trip to my Island was excellent too, thanks for your words Thanks for walking with me and making the world a better place :) a hug from Cienfuegos, Cuba !! Davied