Ratings (156)


Sono Sue, il Guru SAGGIO E INTELLIGENTE di Hong Kong :) Sono una divertente LEGAL EAGLE multilingue (che parla mandarino/cantonese/inglese/francese) e sono spiritosa, intelligente, divertente e gentile. I miei tour sono PICCOLI, CONCENTRATI E ACCOGLIENTI. Amo condividere e conoscere culture diverse. Ho viaggiato attraverso più di 50 paesi e so cosa amano i turisti. Adoro tutto ciò che ha a che fare con Hong Kong. Alcune persone paragonano Hong Kong a Pechino, Shanghai o Singapore e dicono che quelle città sono migliori. NO, NO, NO, non è proprio vero. Hong Kong ha tutto ed è la migliore. Unisciti a me nei miei tour, dove imparerai molto di più su Hong Kong, che nessun altro tour potrebbe paragonare! Lascia che ti mostri Hong Kong con tante risate sagge e risate divertenti!

4 Tour di Susanna

Ratings (156)

30 Mar 2024 Emery
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jul 2023

She keep demanding I cancel numerous times because she was going to be out of town. I contacted you and GuruWalk said she need to cancel tour. She contacted me again on day of tour to have me cancel again.

Risposta di Susanna:
I regret the communications which caused this sad misunderstanding. Since February 2024, when the subject booking was first made, I informed you quite soon that I would be out of Hong Kong and requested you to cancel the booking. This is out of goodwill, as you have rightly said that I could cancel it myself. You informed me, thanked me and asked me to refer you to other tours in HK that you could go and I immediately did that. You then thanked me again and I wished you a great trip in HK and you wished me well too. Perhaps, our above exchanges were somehow neglected when you wrote the above review. So, anyways, I still wish uiu a great trip in HK.
14 Mar 2024
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Mar 2024

The walking tour through the centrum was great to get a first impression of the city and an overview of its history paired with lots of fun facts. I really liked Susanna as a guide. She does her job passionately! Was much fun. After the first tour I instantly booked another one with her (monster building) which was awesome as well! Can't recommend enough!

Risposta di Susanna:
Great stiff hanging out with you guys 💓.
13 Mar 2024 Mosca
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Mar 2024

Risposta di Susanna:
12 Mar 2024 Bucarest
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Mar 2024

Risposta di Susanna:
11 Mar 2024 Vilnius
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Mar 2024

We really enjoyed the tour! Thank you Susanna, highly recommend it.

Risposta di Susanna:
Love you guys from the Lithuanian moon and back. Thank you for spending your precious travel time with me ❤️.

Destinazioni a cui Susanna offre tour

Ratings (156)
