🌶️ Lima Street Food | Beyond Netflix: Stories, Markets and Society
Tour description
*** We highly recommend to do our "Barranco Street Art Tour" after this Street Food Tour.
🏳️🌈🍉 Let's inmerse into the commercial, crowdy, chaotic, noisy and over-whelming and crazy streets around Central Market and China Town.
Try amazing peruvian street food that have been carefully selected. You will support local vendors, have lots of fun, and get to know the real Peru.
Too good to be true? Take a glance to our long and passionate reviews on GuruWalk!
* At the beggining of the tour, we will ask you for 30 soles for your snacks. Tip for the guide is at the end.
*** ABOUT TIPS ***
Minimum Tip: 50 soles (12 euros) per person (Suggested by us), because this is an AMAZING tour.
- Tour guides who work on tips, we don't have any salary.
- We do pay a comission per person to the GuruWalk platform.
- We must study between 3 to 5 years to get the tour guide's license in Peru. (MINCETUR)
* Would you like to help your guide even more? Write an honest review for him/her.
* If you are not coming to the tour, please cancel the reservation asap.
Thank you!
Ps: We don't want people who put a face in our introduction like: "what time are you going to start?". Also, if you come with your partner, don't talk for that person, everybody should be free to express. We are not looking for money, we are looking for having a great time with you the same way you want to have fun with us! We do create amazing experiences!
* If you are looking for another schedule, we can organize a Private Tour.