

Veröffentlichte Rezensionen (1)

Geheime Wanderung "Alte Mauer von Florenz"

We were very excited for this walk but unfortunately, Francesco did not show up at the meeting point. We tried to call him but the nummer mentioned in the email was incorrect. Then, we tried to reach him via guruwalk and after half an hour he responded that he was sick and had overslept. He made his apologies and after we asked, he sent us the route we would walk with him, which was good because now we could still see some things we had not seen before. Good to know might be that some things, like the fort, are closed on Mondays. It would have been nice to know Francesco was sick a day before or earlier on the day. Also, check why the phone number is incorrect.

Antwort von Francesco:
Apologies for all the inconveniences and troubles i created. Francesco.
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