

Veröffentlichte Rezensionen (3)


What a great tour with Neno! I can recommend "War Scars 92-95" tour to everyone. Even though I had some good information about the Bosnian war already, Neno took us to some places that I wouldn't been yet and explained everything about Sarajevo's siege, Bosnian war and Bosnia's modern-day politics. It felt like old good free walking tour where the guide is really interested in delivering information about his city and experience. After taking some commercialized free walking tours, Neno's tour was like a fresh air. Thanks Neno!

Einblicke in Colombo

Great free walking tour with Premil. Premil is very knowledgable, we walked in many areas of Colombo City and I've been told a lot of stories about local culture, religion and we've even been lucky to see some famous local celebrities during our walk. Premil also was very helpful with all the recommendations I got from him! Great guy, the real ambassador of Sri Lanka's tourism!

Free walking tour durch das historische Zentrum - Rio de Janeiro

Great tour! Clara was really very knowledgeable and funny. Totally recommended and worth it.

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