Nací y crecí en Mostar, Bosnia y Herzegovina. En el transcurso de más de 40 años, he experimentado los muchos cambios que se han producido en mi país. Crecí en Yugoslavia. Llegué a la mayoría de edad durante su disolución violenta durante las guerras de la década de 1990 y luché por mi país. Fui testigo y sentí los cambios que siguieron a los primeros años de independencia del país. Una cosa que no ha cambiado es mi amor por Mostar: la gente, el lugar y la cultura. Canalicé este amor, conocimiento y experiencia en el desarrollo de Sheva Walking Tours. Nuestros recorridos son inmersivos y atractivos, con el objetivo de no solo presentar nuestro pasado, sino explicar el presente desde una perspectiva local y con la esperanza de disipar los conceptos erróneos asociados con Mostar y la gran región de los Balcanes. Sheva Walking Tours es un pequeño pero creciente equipo de guías apasionados que desean compartir nuestra ciudad natal, pasada y presente, con usted. Si bien ofrecemos una variedad de recorridos privados, nuestro recorrido a pie gratuito de Mostar es nuestro recorrido a pie más popular de Mostar. Estamos dedicados a proporcionar experiencias memorables y significativas que sean accesibles y bienvenidas para todos los visitantes, independientemente de su presupuesto o antecedentes. ¡Camina con nosotros para conocer la perspectiva de Mostar!
Our guide delivered an informative, entertaining, and moving walking tour. A local born in Mostar who grew up during the war, she possesses a wealth of knowledge and shared it in an engaging and accessible way. However, the one area for improvement was the size of the group—there were over 30 people. Splitting the group between two guides would have been better, as the large size made it difficult at times to hear her, and some people even got lost when moving from one location to another. Additionally, the guide allowed people who hadn’t booked in advance to join, which increased the group size beyond the original plan. Providing the guide with a microphone and speaker would also be helpful, as it was sometimes hard to hear her over the bustling city streets and the sound of the mosques. While these issues were likely due to the busy summer season, addressing them could enhance the experience for future participants.
Mostar is imppressive, and we enjoyed walking through the small town while listening to the history of the bridge, the former Yugoslavia, and the Bosnian-Croatian war.
Informative, interesting and hauntingly thought provoking. Do this tour, you will not reget a second of it.
Really enjoyed this extensive tour. Learned a lot about the history of Mostar as well as present day Mostar! Arnela was super engaging, knowledgeable and really friendly. Would definitely recommend this tour to anyone coming to Mostar. Arnela gave some wonderful recommendations for food, coffee, shopping etc. She was clearly very passionate about her country and it's history and in turn made me feel passionate about it too.