Strasbourg is one of the most important cities in France, after Paris, Marseille or Lyon. It is located in the eastern part of the country, very close to the border with Germany, it is the capital of the region in which it is located, the Great East and has the privilege of hosting the headquarters of the European Parliament. In addition, its location makes the city a very peculiar mixture of German-French cultures, differing from most French cities. The most prominent element of the city is the Notre-Dame Cathedral and located in the historic center declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. At the architectural level it is Gothic style that also usually offers shows around its astronomical clock, in addition to be able to admire the views it offers from its spire of the Rhine River as well as the entire city.
When defining a tour of this city, it is very useful to have the advice of local experts who can guide you and teach you the history and culture of the most important points of interest. This is what happens when we do a free walking tour in Strasbourg with a local guide, who can also recommend where to eat, where to buy souvenirs or how to get around the city. The essential places you should visit should try to be ordered, so you can go walking without having to go around absurdly. For example, you could take a tour where you started seeing the Cathedral, then you will pass by the Kammerzell House, nearby you will find the Rohan Palace Museum, as well as the Plaza du Marché Gayot. If you cross the river, you will reach the German quarter where the Republic Square is located and following that side of the river you arrive at the Palace of Justice. Once this spectacular building, you can go back to the island to see the Town Hall (Hôtel de ville or the Hôtel de Hanau) as well as the churches of San Pedro el Joven and San Pedro el Viejo to end up going to the Petite France neighborhood in which the Church of Santo Tomás stands out. Finally, we recommend that you do not forget the European neighborhood where you will see the Parliament building, as well as the European Court of Human Rights.
One of the alternatives that those who do a free tour in Strasbourg usually look forward to is taking a boat ride that takes them mostly through the Historic District and the European quarter. In addition, local cuisine always accompanies the entire tour, helping travelers to gain strength, as well as to enjoy local specialties.