Portland, Oregon Downtown walking tour
Tour description
There is something interesting about ever city and town, you just need someone to figure out what that thing is. Fortunately, in Portland, Oregon I have found many interesting things to show you.
Would you like to see where the world's first long distance transmission of electric power took place? How about a visit to the world's smallest park? Do you know what makes the Oregon state flag unique? Have you seen the oldest vertical lift bridge in the USA? The last telescoping Bridge? Have you heard how the flip of a coin decided the name of the city? Do you know the story of how a man in a poster became the Mayor of the city? Have you heard how the citizens banded together to build a town square? Do you know why you don't see many pictures of the statue Portlandia?
Experience the cast iron architecture, the carved stone architecture and the rich details on many of the city's buildings. See the city through the eyes of someone who has loved the city for over fifty years and, wants to give you reasons to love it too.
Sign up for a tour and learn about Portland, Oregon.