

Veröffentlichte Rezensionen (3)


I had a splendid, entertaining and, above all, very informative tour with Calisto through Maputo‘s Baixa (old town). In about 2 1/2 hours he squeezed everything in one needs to know to understand this buzzing, crazy, and totally fascinating city. He gave me insight Information about places to go (music bars etc.), and me, as a gut from central Europe, got a better cultural understanding of this area. Plus, I got in touch with other locals who know Carlisto, who seems to be quiet a famous man in Maputo Downtown :). Hoping to meet him again for a 2M. Or two. THANK U!!! says a very satisfied Peter Hartlapp / Germany

Antwort von Aylton:
Thanks so much for the great review Peter, we are glad you enjoyed the tour with Calisto. Regards

First of all it is important to say what a good guy Lígio is. 3 hours walkin around with him through his beautiful Lagos felt like 1 hour. We were sad when it was over. 2nd thing to say is how remarkable it was doin a guided tour with an actual historian how also knows a lot about architecture PLUS is able to combine it with funny jokes. Not bad. Whish I’d have had such a teacher in school. Lígio simply knows pretty much everything, telling exciting stories from ancient times, showing old fotographs so you can compare old and new Lagos. AND he knows the difference between myths and truth. Don’t wanna say to much here. Don’t think twice and book a tour with Lígio through HIS Lagos. You will be amazed, just like we were. Lookin forward to havin a pint with you, pal;)! Cynthia + Peter

Antwort von Lígio:
Cynthia and Peter, Thank you to spend your time writing such a nice Review...
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