Wir sind eine Gruppe von Universitätsstudenten, die Mexiko lieben und es genießen, den Touristen die Geschichte, das Essen, die Traditionen und das lokale Gesicht des Landes mitzuteilen. Wir bereiten uns gerne weiter darauf vor, ausgezeichnete Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, wie wir sie gerne von uns erhalten möchten.
Very nice introduction to México! Our guide (Alexia) was super interesting and nice, she had a lot of tips and anecdotes to tell 🙌🏻
This tour was fantastic and such a great intro to Mexico City! Our tour guide was so knowledgeable and he mentioned he was studying philosophy. I think his name was "Netzi" or something along those lines. You could tell that he was so passionate about Mexico City.
The guide was very knowledgeable and personable. The tacos were amazing. He provided me with many recommendations and advice when choosing street food to eat. Thanks again for a great experience.