Hi there, we are the LyonExplorer team! A group of 4 guides living in Lyon who can’t wait to show you our beautiful city. Some of us are pure Lyonnais products who’ve been living here for more than 30 years, others fell in love with the capital of Gaules (as you hopefully will) and moved here. We have been feeding ourselves with local specialties such as rosettes, Lyonnais cushions, quenelles, and other pink pralines in our magnificent city for years. Having always been passionate about Lyon and its wonderful History, the idea of introducing Lyon to tourists and locals came to us naturally.
Now we are all Happy Gone (people from Lyon)! Come and hang out by our side and walk our streets talking about history, street art, and food, after all, we are the culinary capital of the world! So, no doubt you’ll fall in love with this city and, bonus, you’ll learn a few expressions of our Lyonnais language!
Repetiría y recomiendo
Julia hizo que el tour fuera muy agradable e instructivo. Totalmente recomendable
A pesar de las intemperies, el tour de Julia estuvo a la altura en todo momento