Begeben Sie sich mit unseren außergewöhnlichen kostenlosen Stadtführern auf eine Reise durch die lebhaften Straßen des Gotischen Viertels von Barcelona! Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, Geschichte, Kunst und Architektur zum Leben zu erwecken und so ein bereicherndes und fesselndes Erlebnis zu gewährleisten. Entdecken Sie mit uns die Geheimnisse dieser unglaublichen Stadt. Ihr Abenteuer erwartet Sie!
Shab was really enthusiastic gave many recommendations and gave a lot of insight of tips and tricks of Barcelona. Thank you Shab for this awesome experience!
Shab is a nice, very funny and entertaining guy. The information we've got were very interesting and as well lots of recommendations which I find very useful and never experienced on a tour in such an amount. Very recommended!
Shab was incredibly nice and thoughtful. During the tour, he ensured that everyone was comfortable and didn't need to stop for the WC or water. Also, at the end of the tour, he stuck around to answer questions and share resources.
It was a great tour! I learned a lot about Barcelona and enjoyed the experience☺️
Tyler was an amazing guide, very welcoming and lovely. He showed us all the lovely hidden gems of the city! His enthusiasm and knowledge were amazing and made for a really great morning and start to our holiday! Thank you!