(95 ratings)

Vibrant City Tours

Willkommen in Lissabon! Unser Team aus leidenschaftlichen ortskundigen Reiseführern hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Sie in Lissabon verlieben zu lassen. Unsere kostenlose Stadtführung führt Sie zu den unumgänglichen Orten im Herzen Lissabons und zu atemberaubenden Aussichtspunkten, während Sie die Geschichten hören, die diese jahrtausendealte Stadt erbaut haben. Sie finden uns in Rossio unter einem leuchtend blauen Sonnenschirm.

2 Touren von Vibrant City Tours

Ratings (95)

(1 Rating)
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024

Bellissimo tour con Arthur, ci ha portato per Lisbona facendoci vedere luoghi tipici e non, consigliandoci posti a lui cari ma anche molto conosciuti dai locals. In più ci ha dato qualche tip per sfruttare al meglio il tempo rimasto a disposizione qui a Lisbona! Consigliato!!

(1 Rating)
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024

Arthur has been the best guide we ever had! Not only he showed us the best spots of the city and told us its history, but he also recommended us bars, restaurants, tips and tricks about Lisbon. The tour lasted 3 hours, but he made it seem like 10 minutes. An amazing experience, we would recommend it to anyone!!

(1 Rating) Fort Lauderdale
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024

We've done a couple walking tours of Lisbon and were hesitant to do another but Asha had great nuggets of history that were new and memorable. She gave us a little break in the middle and knew some shortcuts to avoid the big hills. I'd definitely recommend her tour and would join her on the other ones if she has them.

(1 Rating) Trier
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2024

Maria provided detailed information and also sent us tips for the city as to where to eat, drink and what to see. Well done

(1 Rating) Montreal
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024

Great tour!

Reiseziele, zu denen Vibrant City Tours Touren anbietet

(95 ratings)

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