
Die BESTEN Free Walking Tours durch Old San Juan

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Kunst und Kultur

45 meinungen anderer Wanderer zu San Juan Touren
(45 ratings)
Julia (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Jul 2024
We had so much fun with Giovanni! He was funny and a great teacher.
Puerto-ricanische Salsa für Anfänger
Norma (1 Rating)
Jersey City

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024
It was good, very complete, and informative. We just thought it was a free tour and we were free to give a donation and we were instructed the fee was 15 USD minimum. We travel on a low budget we are volunteers and all we could pay was 10 each so it was a little surprising to face this misunderstanding and be compromised to pay more.
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan
Lena (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Jul 2024
We loved our tour with Gonzalo! He is extremely knowledgeable, personable, and fun to be around. We learned so much about the history of Old San Juan and Puerto Rico at large, and he really highlights some gems we would have otherwise missed completely. Recommend doing this at the start of your trip - we didn’t until our last day and it would have been nice to use the info we got to explore more intentionally. Totally worth it and would book again! Thanks Gonzalo!
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan
Britne (1 Rating)

Great experience
Puerto-ricanische Salsa für Anfänger
Emanuel (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2024
Thanks a lot Gonzalo for everything.
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan
Enrique (1 Rating)
Panama City

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2024
A pesar de ser solamente 2, procedió a realizar el tour. Gonzalo fue muy amigable, te responde todas las preguntas y si necesitas saber algo o recomendaciones él te ayuda. Se los recomiendo
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan
Marie-Helene (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Jun 2024
Gonzalo is a man with a large culture! He is also funny and his explinations are easy to undestand! He also mademus participate a bit! We really enjoy our afternoon with him! Ee highly recommanded a walk with Gonzalo, el papa Leon!
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan
Roger (1 Rating)
Panama City

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jun 2024
Great knowledge and fun tour
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan
ERIN (6 Ratings)
San Diego

Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Apr 2024
had lots of knowledge of the area. kept us moving and even brought us rain coats. a history lesson walking tour.
Free walking tour durch die Altstadt von San Juan

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