
Free walking tours in Udaipur

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183 meinungen anderer Wanderer zu Udaipur Touren
(183 ratings)
Lotta (3 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024
The tour was very informative, he showed us different places and answered all the question we had. Also it was really nice that he provided us with water and also bought us some chips and a chai. He also offered to give us more information during our time in Udaipur. I would really recommend him!
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Robin (2 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024
Fun walking tour where you see day to day life and the "real" Udaipur. Manish has a lot of knowledge and had the answers to all our questions.
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marina (2 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024
Un guía excelente, nos llevo por unos rincones espectaculares, por las zonas mas locales de la ciudad y siempre explicando todo. Muy agradable y atento.
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Ana pedroche (4 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jul 2024
Ha sido un auténtico placer, atento, explicando curiosidades… ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze von Udaipur
Irene (5 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jul 2024
Manish was super nice! He explained us really interesting things about the city and the local people. It was just such an amazing free tour!!! We recomend it for sure!!
Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze von Udaipur
Fernando (2 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Jul 2024
Amazing free tour with Manish! A wonderful way to meet the true Udaipur from a local perspective. Truly recommendable!
Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze von Udaipur
Gorka (3 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2024
(English) Tour with Manish was the best thing I did in Udaipur. This tour is not only about monuments, it is also about daily life of the people from Mewar. He is open to explain any question about hay as deep as your curiosity goes. Keep in mind booking professionals like Manish is supporting local entrepreneurs and their life conditions. (Español) El tour de Manish ha sido de lo mejor de Udaipur. No solo es un tour sobre los monumentos, si no que te adentra en la vida cotidiana de Udaipur dejando a un lado las calles principales y explorando las calles traseras. Lo mejor de todo es que está dispuesto a explicarte todo sobre su cultura tan profundo como tú quieras sabes. Además, recuerda que apoyar personas como Manish contribuye a mejorar las condiciones laborales de los emprendedores locales y sus comunidades, más allá de grandes agencias turísticas.
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Herman (3 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - May 2024
Just 1 guide + 1 frequent India traveller opened great expectations. Having Manish as local guide was 🤩🥳🤩. Perfect interaction, good English skills, a warm guide born in the heart of Udaipur talking enthousiastic about his Lake City, his people, his daily friends. While M. explained I could take super pics. 😁 But U were even more super, Manish. 🙏 Hanuman.
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Albert (3 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - May 2024
Tour recomendable 100x100, muy interesante y con un buen nivel de ingles. Perfecto!
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