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269 opiniones de otros walkers sobre los tours de Mumbai
(269 opiniones)
Tomer (4 Opiniones)
Tel Aviv-Yafo

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Viajó en pareja - Jul 2024
Very knowledgeable guide, was extremely informative, guided us with ease and safely throughout the Dharvi neighborhood. A must do tour!
El recorrido por los barrios marginales: una visión de Dharavi
Edy Lara (7 Opiniones)

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Viajó en pareja - Jul 2024
Very good tour! There is a lot of walking, so be prepared. Good choice of places, well explained, nice atmosphere. Sanjay said some additional things about the city itself and the culture.
Experimente la ciudad máxima de Mumbai como un local
Kenneth Aerol (1 Opinion)

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Viajó en pareja - Jul 2024
Tra dubbi e incertezze, alla fine abbiamo deciso di fare il tour del famoso slam di Dharavi. La cosa si è rivelata una piacevole esperienza unica nel suo genere, ed è stato soprattutto grazie alla nostra guida Balaji, nato e cresciuto qui, che siamo riusciti a comprendere un po’ di più la realtà delle baraccopoli in India. Lui, molto preparato e gentile, ci ha accompagnati con entusiasmo in questo tour tra vicoli stretti, abitanti indaffarati nelle loro mansioni e varie attività commerciali che animano lo slam: ci sono vasai, conciatori musulmani, ricamatori, fabbri e imprese addette al riciclaggio della plastica. Ci ha aperto gli occhi su un mondo che si è rivelato essere realmente come una città nella città, non pericoloso come ci immaginavamo. È stata una mattinata molto interessante e sorprendente per diversi aspetti. Balaji super!!!
El recorrido por los barrios marginales: una visión de Dharavi
Danilo (6 Opiniones)

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Viajó solo - Jun 2024
Kaushal is a very good guide. He was very attentive and patient. He knows a lot about the history and answered a lot of questions.
Free Free tour por Bombay
Candice (4 Opiniones)

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Viajó en pareja - Jun 2024
Meet is fun, nice and open to any discussions topic. He took time to answer every question. We did not finish the tour after 2:30hrs but he stayed with us another 30mn to peacefully finish the tour. Don't miss it !
Free Free tour por Bombay
Christina (2 Opiniones)

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Viajó solo - Jun 2024
I had a great afternoon with Sanjay, highly recommend this tour
Bandra by Twilight: una exploración nocturna del vibrante corazón de Mumbai
Pau (1 Opinion)
Buenos Aires

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Viajó solo - Jun 2024
La guía Mahima fue la mejor. Todo un tour personalizado. Explicando y haciendo fotos y vídeos en todas las partes. Lo recomiendo mucho. Muchísimas gracias por toda la información de esta tarde.
Free Free tour por Bombay
Felix (3 Opiniones)
Jerez de la Frontera

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Viajó en pareja - Jun 2024
The experience with Meet could not have been better. Not only because he showed us the center of Mumbai in an exceptional way, explaining everything in great detail, but also because he gave us tips to enjoy even more our experience in India. Without a doubt a great guide and a great person. I recommend him 100%, and I don't say I would repeat, I say that I will repeat for sure. P.S. If you want to try the best Vada Pav in the center ask him, and he will tell you where it is and if you don't know what a Vada Pav is don't worry, Meet will explain it to you.
Free Free tour por Bombay
Chiara (2 Opiniones)

Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Jun 2024
We had a great time with our tour guide Abhishek, he explained interesting things happening in the slum with a lot of passion. I highly recommend this tour if you want to see what is the real life there without filters.
El recorrido por los barrios marginales: una visión de Dharavi

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