*Private Tours available, contact us for more information*
Hi, I'm Jose! Both myself and my colleagues have been guides in Toronto for years. We are a group of guides who are passionate about our work, with great knowledge of the city and delighted to meet new people to introduce Toronto, its history, and its secrets! ;)
If you don't find a date for our tour, we do offer private tours on demand!
Nos sentimos satisfechos, fuimos un grupo pequeño y cercano ayudo a hacer el recorrido más personalizado, José es un profesional capacitado tambien para responder nuestras preguntas.
Brilliant tour with a very knowledgable guide. We were a really small group but our guide made us feel like we were being treated to a private tour across downtown. We were expecting it to take 2 hours or less as there were not many of us but it lasted 2 and a half hours and was packed full of fun facts, history, tangents, all sorts of really interesting information. We did this tour on the first day of our visit and it has helped us orientate ourselves and get the lay of the land for the rest of our trip. Highly recommend.
Fue un tour que disfrutamos mucho debido a que fue en español pudimos conocer puntos muy importantes de la ciudad de Toronto así como su historia. José fue un excelente guía, gracias por todas tus atenciones José
Nos dio mucha información , estuvo atento a todas las preguntas q le hicimos y nos daba respuestas inmediatas. Muy amable.
Recomendable, muy ameno y amable José es todo un profesional