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Hola, soy Santi, pero puedes llamarme 'SAN'. Después de 10 años de trabajo independiente como guía turístico local en la hermosa ciudad de Chiang Mai, decidí dar un salto al mundo de FreeWalk porque estoy buscando nuevas experiencias emocionantes que me ayuden a crecer y compartir el cuentos cautivadores de mi ciudad natal. Chiang Mai, con sus lugareños de buen corazón y sus vibraciones encantadoras, es más que un simple lugar; es un santuario de serenidad. Estoy aquí para mostrarte las joyas escondidas, el tapiz histórico y los sabores que hacen que Chiang Mai sea inolvidable. Imagínese caminar por templos antiguos llenos de historia, saborear la comida callejera que baila en sus papilas gustativas y sentir la calidez de la bienvenida de los lugareños. Chiang Mai no es sólo un destino; es un viaje al corazón del alma pacífica de Tailandia. Entonces, ya seas un viajero curioso o un alma aventurera, no puedo esperar para tejer contigo momentos e historias inolvidables en medio del encanto de Chiang Mai. ¡Únase a mí y embarquémonos juntos en un viaje de descubrimiento!

1 Tour de SAN

Opiniones (59)

(1 Opinion) Dubái
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jun 2024

(2 Opiniones) Nueva York
Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Jun 2024

San was great and ver knowledgeable about Thailand’s history and Buddhism at large. I was worried that biking on a hot day would be difficult, but the breeze actually made it feel cooler! Sam’s route was great, showing us many thing we wouldn’t have seen and the context we never would have learned. Thanks for a great tour!

(1 Opinion) Hamilton
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jun 2024

SAN was a phenomenal guide. Since I was the only client, he was able to customize the route to my interests. He added a few stops that he thought would be interesting for me based on our conversation. He has a vast knowledge of Thai history and explains it very well in English. I highly recommend this tour! Thank you SAN for a great experience.

(2 Opiniones) Berlín
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jun 2024

The tour is AMAZING! Do it!!! You get to catch a lot of different sides of the city, because you are way faster by bike. And honeslty: I didn’t expect it to be this safe and easy to cycle in Chiang Mai’s traffic. San is a great guide. He really overdelivers. His English is very good and his knowledge is incredible. Don’t hesitate and get in the bike! ;-) Few things to keep in mind: better come well fed and stay hydrated. Women may also want to bring clothes to cover up for entering the temples.

(1 Opinion) Múnich
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jun 2024

Great Tour around the City. Also enjoyed going into the market together and hearing interesting facts about different things there :)

Destinos en los que SAN ofrece tours

(59 opiniones)
