
Free walking tours in Kigali

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51 meinungen anderer Wanderer zu Kigali Touren
(51 ratings)
Tee Lark (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jul 2024
She was amazing. Friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommend 👌
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Anna (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jul 2024
Aline was really informative and a genuinely nice and helpful person!
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Audrey (7 Ratings)
New York City

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jul 2024
M Shark is the boss. He hired out the tour and did not do it himself. Also, we were told by email in advance, told at the beginning of the tour and told at the end that the tour cost $25 (USD). It was not a free tour where we decided what to tip. I am always generous but did not think this was right!!
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Amber (2 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2024
Lot's of great information that Aline provided. I enjoyed our conversations and the various locations we went. I would have liked more time in the car free food zone for a little local snack. We walked a lot, which I enjoyed but others may not have been able to cover the distance that we did. Excellent tour and great fun!
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Halim (2 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - May 2024
Aline is very professional and we really enjoyed our tour with her. She also had good recommendations for places to go and things to do here in Kigali. Would 100% recommend the tour.
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Gwenda-Mari (3 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - May 2024
Aline was a wonderful guide and answered all our questions, and negotiated good prices for the motorbike rides. The tour was 25 000 Ugandan Francs per person.
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Maggie (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - May 2024
Good tour to take to see the local areas and one local shop. Hopefully more local places like the sugar cane juice place could be added instead of art galleries.
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Kelly (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - May 2024
This walking tour is a great way to see Kigali. We visited an art center, memorial site, car free zone, and business district. It would have been nice to also visit a market. Note this tour requires a mototaxi to get between sites so bring small amounts of local currency.
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas
Kevin (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Apr 2024
I had a lot of fun on this trip. Highly recommended. M Shark made everything enjoyable and his humor and knowledge is outstanding.
Entdecken Sie Kigalis verborgene Reize: Ein free walking tour durch das lebendige Herz Ruandas

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