
Free walking tours in Punta del Este

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Die besten Guruwalks in Punta del Este (1 / 2)

106 meinungen anderer Wanderer zu Punta del Este Touren
(106 ratings)
Marina (2 Ratings)
Belo Horizonte

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Apr 2024
Minha experiencia com o Livio foi maravilhosa! O tour foi apenas comigo e meu namorado então tivemos um contato mais próximo, conversamos muito sobre os fatos históricos, fizemos várias perguntas e ele sempre muito solicito a responde-las além de demonstrar um conhecimento incrível sobre a cidade, tudo com muita simpatia! O mais legal foi que aprendemos detalhes que com certeza passariam despercebidos se nao fosse o Livio <3
Free walking tour entdecken Sie Punta del Este
Anne-Sophie (6 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Apr 2024
Germán is a really good guide. He provides a lot of information about Uruguay and Punta del Este. The visit is mixed with historical facts, things to do, places to go visit and go eat, etc. He is really friendly and answered all of our questions. I would recommend to anyone passing by Punta del Este to do that tour ! We learned a lot and it's all fun times :)
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Satu (1 Rating)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Mar 2024
German was a great host and made my day in Punta Del Este! The stories were informative and fun. Thank you German :)
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Elad (4 Ratings)
Cabo Velas District

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Familie gereist - Apr 2024
German was great, he took the time to explain everything, answer our questions, we had a very interesting tour with him and it's a must in Punta Del Este.
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Pam (2 Ratings)
San Francisco

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Apr 2024
I am very appreciative of his effort as more than half the people who had signed up canceled at the last minute because of the heavy rain, all of which had him consider canceling at the last minute as well. Even though it rained during most of the 2.5 hour tour, the information was interesting. Given the reputation of Punta del Este as a beach resort, I was more than pleased to learn the historical background and current events that Germán presented about this peninsula and Uruguay overall. I recommend taking this tour.
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Adrienne (2 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Apr 2024
Great communication before the tour, especially regarding the weather. German still arrived for the tour despite the rain and really tried to accommodate each person. We had a great time, even when getting wet! German is extremely knowledgeable and friendly. Would definitely recommend!
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Anika (3 Ratings)

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Mar 2024
Muchas gracias, Germán, por tu estupendo tour. No faltó de nada, grandes historias, consejos y humor. Se lo recomendaría a todo el mundo.
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Michelle (2 Ratings)
Buenos Aires

Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Mar 2024
1000% recomendado, Germán es un excelente guía, tiene datos súper interesantes acerca de la historia de Punta del Este, su tour me permitió entender un poco más sobre la historia de Uruguay. Fue una experiencia bastante agradable y enriquecedora. ¡Mil gracias, Germán! Se nota la dedicación y entusiasmo que pones en tu trabajo.😁
Free walking tour Punta Del Este
Cavallo (6 Ratings)
Buenos Aires

Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Familie gereist - Mar 2024
Excelente Livio! Sabe muchísimo y paseamos y conocimos un montón de Punta del Este!!
Free walking tour entdecken Sie Punta del Este

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