(369 ratings)


Jan ha trascorso del tempo vivendo in Thailandia e Giappone e ora è tornato a Singapore con occhi (e orecchie) nuovi per tutto ciò che riguarda la storia, la cultura e le arti di Singapore. Avendo viaggiato molto, la sua sensibilità culturale si estende oltre le coste di questo piccolo punto rosso. Gli piace rispondere alle domande e condividere le sue prospettive oneste su Singapore. Adesso e oggi, Jan organizza questi free walking tour con un gruppo dei suoi adorabili amici, Roy, Stephen, Edwina e Jamie. Salutaci e abbracciaci quando ti vediamo!

2 Tour di Jan

Ratings (369)

(4 Ratings) Francoforte sul Meno
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jul 2024

Very good tour with a friendly and knowledgable guide

(5 Ratings) Istanbul
Guidati da Jamie
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

This tour was a great introduction to the city. It was different from most walking tours that I've done in the sense that it was less of stopping by a landmark and talking about its history and more of going to an ethnic area and having a lecture at a random spot. I think it would be better if the stops were at more intentional places. Overall a great tour to appreciate the cultures of Singapore.

(2 Ratings) Manchester
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

Can highly recommend Edwina - she was charming, fun and knowledgeable. The tour covers three very different areas/cultures - Chinatown, Little India and Kampong Glam - and Edwina explained the history of each and how they have integrated into Singaporean culture. We loved her insights and anecdotes as well as plenty of food recommendations as we toured the hawker and food markets. A great tour

(2 Ratings) Ottersweier
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jul 2024

Die Tour war großartig. Interessant hat unser Guide die Tour gestaltet, mit vielen historischen Einzelheiten und auch mit vielen Erklärungen wie die Menschen heute leben, wie es gelingt dass so viele Kulturen friedlich zusammen leben können. Singapore kann man durch die anschauliche Tour nun gut verstehen. In den einzelnen Stadtteilen gab es typisches lokal Essen zum Probieren. Es war sehr kurzweilig und hat wirklich viel Spaß gemacht. Auf die vielen Fragen hatte unser Guide immer eine Antwort und hat uns geduldig jede Frage beantwortet. Vielen Dank für den tollen Vormittag.

(2 Ratings) Melbourne
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

Steve is the Guru of Guides, so knowledgeable and shared great stories about the places we visited. The tour was just the right pace, interesting informative, enjoyable and filled with lots of tasty treats. Highly recommend Steve and Guru Walk for a memorable day discovering Singapore. Thank you!

Destinazioni a cui Jan offre tour

(369 ratings)
