We are exclusively licensed Austria Guides and count on smaller groups – this is how communication with the guests works best. Exciting facts and a large portion of humour are part of our tours, just like a lot of experience and knowledge off the beaten track. We even infect die-hard Vienna connoisseurs with our enthusiasm for the city! If you want to get to know Vienna differently than the average tourist, then we are your perfect partner: We make sure that your travel stories are nowhere to be found.
Tour Guide was great! I cannot remember his name but he is a local born and raised Viennen. Extensive info, friendly, knowledgeable and funny.
Nos encantó el tour. El guía estuvo continuamente resolviendo las dudas de todos los asistentes, además de dar un montón de información de forma amena y divertida.
Einfach nur schade
Muy buen tour de la ciudad! Muy completo!