
St. Petersburg: Heart of Imperial Russia.

Duration: 3h and 30min
Languages: Spanish
Quality Verified Registered on July 31, 2019

I'm a licensed official guide in St. Petersburg. I'm in love with my city and I want to convey this love to everyone. The word that most often appears in the suggestions of my tourists is "fascinating" and “fun”. And this is how I go :), mixing serious things with urban stories and fun material, instead of dry information. I try to build my tours in an interactive way. Apart from that, I have my own "tricks" that make life and work very easy.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

On this walk with a local guide, in love with his city you will enjoy amazing views and extraordinary architecture of the city full of history. You will know, shortly, the key figures in the development of the Russian Empire and listen to the story of how and why the city appeared, and why it became capital in its time. By observing buildings from various eras and centuries, you will absorb the spirit of the magnificent St. Petersburg. By walking and breathing the air of the cultural capital of Russia, you will see the hidden secrets of the city. You will get to know the origin of the famous matrioshkas, Fabergé eggs and the reason for such a sharp jump from Russia to the European stage. We will pass from the birth of the city to World War II. We will visit the cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan and 2 other churches comparing 3 different religions. We will also see the widest bridge in the world and we will reach the Palace Square with the famous Hermitage and the Neva River, the largest river in Europe. Finally, we will teach to the bravest how to drink vodka. You'll understand, because the Russians themselves say that they come to Moscow for work and to St. Petersburg - for love! The most important places that we are going to see (among others) are: Avda Nevskiy San Salvador on Spilled Blood Zinger House Alexandrinskiy Theater Eleseev Brothers Store Catherine II Monument Gostinniy Dvor Santa Catalina Armenian Church of Santa Catalina Catholic Church Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan Stroganoff Palace Literary Cafe St. Isaac's Cathedral Monument to Nicolas I Astoria Hotel Admiralty Palace Square Hermitage Palace Bridge Neva River Fortress of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Zoological Museum Kunstcamara

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  • Meeting point:
    Ostrovskogo Square 1 SanktPeterburg R...
    Ostrovskogo Square 1 SanktPeterburg Russia 191023
    View on map

    We gather in front of monument to Catherine II. I will carry a “RusLed” sign in my hand.

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

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Anna 27 May 2024

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Travelled in couple - May 2024
Pena que no hemos podido conocer a Ruslan porque estaba enfermo, sin embargo, hemos podido disfrutar de una maravillosa excursión con la simpatiquisima Elena. Recomiendo a todos los que quieran conocer San Petersburgo de la mano de una persona que tiene un profundo conocimiento de su historia y que la siente como parte de ella. Gracias Elena y Ruslan.
Jorge 16 Sep 2023
Mexico City

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Travelled in group - Sep 2023
Recomiendo tomar este tour general como introducción al lugar
Lana 06 Sep 2023

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Travelled in family - Sep 2023
¡Ha sido muy informativo y divertido! Somos una familia con dos hijos de 9 y 14 años y los dos se quedaron boquiabiertos con lo que contaba nuestro guía Ruslan! Ha sido la excursión más completa y detallada que tuvimos jamás! Con un español fluido y moderno. Nos contó muchas anécdotas históricas, muchas curiosidades, rincones escondidos de la cuidad que no se ven a primera vista, pero tienen mucho valor histórico. ¡Nos hemos quedado muy impresionados por la calidad de información! Nos ha parecido fantástico 👍 Dies de dies, ¡Muy recomendable! 👌
Javier 27 Apr 2023

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Travelled in group - Apr 2023
no hubo tours ni en español ni en inglés adi que si quieres hacerlos tienes que pagar el privado 60 € aproximado y si esttas solo noooooo muy caro
Jesús 24 Apr 2023

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Travelled alone - Apr 2023
Tour privado ya que por desgracia no había más turistas españoles en St Petesburgo. Ruslan es excepcional, ha sabido combinar todo, información detallada y completa de la historia de Rusia y la ciudad, con otra del día a día y numerosas anécdotas desconocidas, tanto históricas (vivencias de gente de la II Guerra Mundial), como actuales en el día a día de una ciudad como St. Petersburgo. Además, combina todo esto con sentido del humor, alegría y siempre sin perder la profesionalidad. (Se nota que le encanta lo que hace y la ciudad). Para colmo, ha seguido dando consejos en el resto de mis días, a fin de que mi estancia fuera lo más enriquecedora posible. ASÍ QUE EXPERIENCIA DE 10, RECOMIENDO CUALQUIER TOUR QUE PROPONGA.
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What should you know?

Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
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