Hi, my name is Lucas from Montréal, I am a tour guide since 2010, worked in more than 20 countries. Based in Bangkok - or Manila, Phnom Penh, Kathmandu - I follow the current of the guiding ! I am doing those walking tour now, trying to share my knowledge with first time visitors. As I am doing this without salary, tip is well appreciated, Guru guidelines suggest min 10€ or 300 Bath.
I can answer all questions and show you some hidden / out of the beaten path places.
If you want to see and do tourist stuff like floating market, my walks are not for you. If your goal is to see the highlights everywhere you go, MY WALKS ARE NOT FOR YOU. I like to show you the normal life that is going on here in Bangkok, while I will help you with local transportation and others places to visit. With me you won't see any highlights or spectacular sights, you won’t learn the whole history (for this take a local guide), with me you are walking to see things of the daily life, to feel the vibe as the local way. If you just want to know about tourist stuff, its easy by your own. With me its more about to learn/walk as the Bangkonian style.
Fue un tour súper interesante. A mí sirvió mucho porque voy a quedarme unos meses en Bangkok y el guía me ayudó muchísimo con el tema del transporte público y todas las preguntas que tenía. Además nos enseñó muchos sitios muy interesantes, fueron algo más de dos horas y se me pasó volando. Sin duda repetiré con él!
La visite etait super intéressante, luc est un tres bon guide , il nous fait visiter son quartier , il y connait tous les bons spots ! Honnetement j aurais vouku faire cette visite au début de mon voyage , j ai appris tellement de choses sur la vie , le quotidien des thailandais . Je recommande fortement cette visite, j en ait eu pour mon argent et même plus encore
Tour fuori dai tragitti turistici ma dove di può assaporare la Bangkok più autentica, un misto di moderno e antico, ricco e povero in un quadrato piacevolmente percorso a piedi in poco più di 2 ore
Gran guía!! Conoce perfectamente la cuidad, habla tailandés y te puede resolver absolutamente cualquier duda. No te lo pierdas!!
I really enjoyed off-beaten path tour with Luke. It was great to see things that normally, as a tourist, you wouldn't. Thanks Luc. Strongly recommended to all future BKK visitors :)